This is the time to have what I call courageous communication with your family and loved ones.  To promote any kind of change in the world we have to acknowledge it and understand it.

Take the time to talk to your children.  One of the aspects of good parenting allows for a safe space to ask questions, discuss fears, have differing points of view. You might be surprised to learn your kids’ perspectives on sickness, politics, fear, hate, love and much more.

This year is full of challenges, but there can be a message in the mess.  We can all grow, evolve, and become the best people we can be.  Lead your children into being interested and hopeful change agents as an adult.  Lead by example and illustrate an openness to have uncomfortable but necessary talks.  If we all work together with an open mind and loving heart, we can make 2020 count.

Red Eye

There is always a message in the mess.

In deference to those I love, or to protect the innocent – which is certainly not the same thing at times, I have transferred to this new blog in which the content is more appropriate for general audiences.  Well, depending on how open minded “general” actually is.  I began blogging years ago when my life was drastically changing as an outlet for the vast amount of free flowing content in my head that must be put in the form of words I can read.  It is that writer in me that cannot be restrained and writing allows me to make sense of things.  Or attempt to anyway.

That blog evolved to an examination of people and a chronicle of my life experiences.  Once I made a decision to focus on writing as a career path, and people actually inquired with some frequency to read what I write, it was obvious that I needed to made a few ah..edits.  Before you ask, the old site has gone to yonder, and this is the replacement.

Alas, I am still unabashedly red, but with a tiny filter in place.  I am still me, I am still a mom, I am still a writer.  The things that define me are in place.  I am a sharing kind of girl, so here I am.

Red Eye

Writing makes us real.  Just the feeling of hiding behind the keys allows us to ultimately be the most exposed.